
October 24, 2018

4 Tips to Transform Your Kitchen into a Welcoming Space

The kitchen should be a central area of your home that makes your guests feel welcomed.

Many older kitchens can feel closed and cramped, creating an unwelcoming atmosphere that homeowners are dying to change.


Many remodels are purposely trying to expand the kitchen and create a more open space. In fact, more than half of all new kitchen spaces are now open to other rooms. Opening up the floor plan can definitely make your kitchen feel more welcoming.

While this is one way to transform your kitchen into a more welcoming space, there are still other small touches that can make this space into your dream room.

Here are a few design tips to help you change the atmosphere in your kitchen with ease.

Use color to draw attention

Have you been hesitant to paint that bright accent wall you know that you would love?

Go ahead and roll out a fresh coat of paint on the far wall of your kitchen. This is a great way to attract attention and draw people into a room.

You can even use colorful artwork or tchotchke items in order to draw more attention to your kitchen space.

People will naturally be curious about the bold design choices which will draw them into your newly-designed space.

Keep away the clutter

All of us are guilty of allowing clutter to stack up on our counters at some point. You might allow the mail to sit on the island or you could just keep all of your appliances right on the counters.

No matter what type of clutter you have, it can ruin the welcoming vibe that you are going for. Clear almost everything off the counters so that you can have a clean space that doesn’t stress you out or worry your guests.

As an added bonus, this will also make your countertops easier to clean.

Choose comfort first

If you are selecting seating for the kitchen, make sure that you are choosing comfort over style.

Both aspects are going to be important, but you want people to feel comfortable lingering in your kitchen space for a while. The best way to ensure that they will feel that is if their seat is inviting them to stay a little longer.

Add more natural lighting

Add Lighting

Natural lighting feels soft and can provide an extra welcoming element into your kitchen space.

Don’t be afraid to open the windows or install new ones so that you can let more sunlight filter into your space. This can also give your room a beautiful view if you have a nice yard or scenic outdoor space just off the kitchen.

Making your kitchen feel more welcoming doesn’t have to be extremely difficult.

You can have a beautiful and practical space with any kind of design scheme, but choosing quartz countertops could be a good alternative in all situations.

Give Floform a call if you’re ready to select the perfect countertops for your home!

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