
September 30, 2016

Dark vs. Light Countertops

Quartz countertop from cambria

Everyone has their personal style or taste, and here at FLOFORM we like to celebrate each person’s individuality. There does seem to be a definite trend between people choosing either lighter or darker shades of countertops, and we thought we’d look at why that might be so.

Lighter countertops have the benefit of really presenting a clean and crisp look, which is desired by many of our customers. This countertop from Cambria’s Marble Collection, showcases the pure essence of the room, and allows for mint accents to stand out in the kitchen. The added benefit of lighter countertops are that designs are easier to see, and can be really eye-catching.


Dark countertops, on the other hand, are seen as much more sleek, as the dark tones and textures give a room a very cool vibe. Cambria really highlights this dark countertop trend with this kitchen in Ellesmere. The design here is also very visible, and the shine and richness of the accents are really exemplified by the countertop.


Are you struggling to decide which look you like best? The good news is, you may not have to choose! As shown in this stunning kitchen, featuring both Cambria’s Laneshaw and Darlington. Both dark and light countertops can be used to provide an overall bold effect to the room. The darker Laneshaw island really stands out, while the surrounding Darlington is bright and neural, and shows that there is a place for both types in your home.


Whether you love a kitchen that’s fresh and bright, or bold and sophisticated, countertops can be simply adapted to fit your unique needs, and really become a highlight within your home.